Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Selfish People

In the Great Gatsby, basically everyone except Nick and Jordan are selfish. Gatsby is selfish and wants Daisy only to himself, wanting her to leave her previous life, her husband and child, just to be with him. He does not take into consideration her feelings, only his desire to be with her. He also is selfish with money, doing anything to achieve wealth. He has left his family and anything associated with who he used to be, being very selfish. Daisy is selfish, wanting to have both Tom and Gatsby. She expects them to love her and show her affection when she cannot decide between one or the other. Tom is the same way Daisy is, having an affair with Myrtle, yet expecting Daisy to stay completely faithful to him. He does not devote himself to her and her only, but he wants her to give up Gatsby anyways, even though Gatsby is treating her more fairly. Myrtle is extremely rude and selfish, leaving her kind husband in the dust. Just because he does not have riches like Tom does, she shows him not attention at all. She is selfish, only caring about her own happiness. In this book, no one really considers anyone's feelings except Nick, who is constantly a peacemaker, trying to please everyone. Being selfish causes a lot of controversy in the book, and ties in with jealousy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you don't think Jordan is selfish. That's really why Nick decided against a relationship with her. Good post 75/75
